This week, I really enjoyed the following blog post:
Bill Dollarhide's column on the Genealogy Blog website, The 1840 Federal Census: A New Look.
I always enjoy Bill's articles, as they are so detailed and always provide new information on a topic that I never knew and should know! Check it out and find out more about the 1840 census and what was provided on the forms.
For instance, and I'm ashamed to admit this as I didn't know this for a long time, the 1840 census has 2 pages to it. So when you are looking at a census image for that year, make sure to go to the next image. That image tells you about slaves in the household, industries people in the household are engaged in and other information. You might not find anything, but you never know.
Copyright © 2013 Matt Mapes
Funny, I didn't know that either. Thanks for the tip!